
Webinar “The growing effect of sustainability policies”

Nov 28, 2020

Dr. Architect, Carlos Marmolejo Duarte, a researcher at the CPSV, has participated as a guest panelist in the Webinar “The growing effect of sustainability policies.”

On October 25, the Webinar The growing effect of sustainability policies ( was held. This has been organized by TASVALÚO, the leading appraisal company in Mexico.

On behalf of the CPSV, Dr. Architect, Carlos Marmolejo Duarte, has participated as a guest panelist, who has presented some of the most relevant results of the EnerValor research project. How much do we care about the energy rating? An analysis of the level of understanding of the EPC, perceived confidence, and impact on residential preferences and values, Ref.: BIA2015-63606-R (MINECO / FEDER), carried out between 2016 and March 2020. Also has participated in this event, the Constructor Civil, M.Sc., Carlos Aguirre Núñez, Director of the School of Construction of the University of the Americas in Santiago de Chile and candidate for a doctorate in Urban and Architectural Management and Valuation. In addition, the Dr. Architect, Jesús Fitch Osuna, Associated professor of the Faculty of Architecture of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (Mexico), graduated from the aforementioned doctoral program, coordinated by the CPSV.

The activity was moderated by the architect, Luis Leirado Campo (General Director of Tasvalúo) and the architect, Alejandra Leyva Campos (Metropolitan Divisional Director of Tasvalúo).
