Trajectory and action

This section presents a brief history and areas of action of the CPSV.


The Centre for Land Policy and Valuations (CPSV) is a research group created in 1986, as a scientific-technical unit, which in 1997 acquired the status of Specific Research Centre (CER) by UPC. It integrates a multidisciplinary group of researchers from the Department of Architectural Technology (TA), and other collaborators, who develop research and teaching in the fields of territorial and environmental actions; urban management and administration; urban and real estate valuation; land use and environmental management tools; the direction of the regional and urban planning; environment the quality of sustainable urban life, etc.


It acts as a promoter of research at the university level and as a catalyst for innovation and research, establishing contact links between groups of researchers and professionals from companies and the administration in order to achieve an improvement in processes, products, and services, facing new social challenges.


The CPSV also encourages the creation of new scientific and technological knowledge, related to its areas of expertise and its projection and diffusion into the current world.


In recent years he has worked on the application of new sensitivities such as urban ecology and environmental management and the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in territorial analysis, the 3D virtual modeling of architecture and the city and Remote Sensing.