
The future of cities and new scenarios facing global contingencies

Jun 11, 2020

CPSV invites you to participate in the colloquium, debate, workshop: The future of cities and the new scenarios facing global contingencies.

The current situation, produced by the COVID-19 pandemic, has put into crisis the paradigms that have guided the development of cities, for which reason the convening institutions have considered it necessary to initiate a dialogue, by way of analysis, debate and workshop, with researchers from various disciplines, allowing us to present the current and future scenarios of cities.

To this objective, the Institute for Research and Study of Cities, the Centre for Strategic Studies for Development and the University System of Radio, Television and Cinematography at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico; the Centre for Land Policy and Valuations, CPSV-UPC (; the Institute of Urban Studies of the National University of Colombia; and the Department of Urban Planning and Design of the Faculty of Architecture, Construction, and Design of the Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile; they summon the cycle of activities that are part of this activity:

Tables for reflection and debate. Videoconference sessions of experts and researchers (among them, members of the CPSV) who will present their reflections on the current weaknesses and strengths of cities in the face of global contingencies such as the Covidien-19 pandemic. Dates: June 23 and 30; July 7, 14, 21, and 28.

Scenario analysis Seminar. Two sessions in the form of virtual or mixed seminars (face-to-face and virtual). Outstanding guests from the public administration of different cities will participate in this activity. Date: October 2020.

Workshop and presentation of conclusions. In addition to the coordinators, special guests from different countries will participate. Date: November 2020


Participation with previous registration by the form: