Participation of the CPSV in the conference "The Electronic Passport of the Building"

Nov 12, 2022

This was held on November 9, promoted by the Chair of Circular Architecture of the Jaume I University.

On November 9, Paúl Andrés Espinoza Zambrano, architect, FPU-UPC scholarship holder, of the Doctorate in Urban and Architectural Management and Valuation (DGVUA), coordinated by the CPSV, participated in the conference "The Electronic Passport of the Building", promoted by the Chair of Circular Architecture of the Jaume I University, with the support of the Second Vice-Presidency and Department of Housing and Bioclimatic Architecture of the Valencian Government.


In this, the Electronic Building Book (LdE-e) was exposed, an ambitious tool that seeks the comprehensive management of information for residential buildings and the integration of a Scheduled Renovation Roadmap.


This research is part of the development of the doctoral thesis of Paúl Espinoza and of the progress of Work Package 6 of the R&D project EnerValor2, whose PI is doctor Carlos Marmolejo DuarteThese results have also been carried out within the framework of the grant for carrying out research work, from the School of Public Administration of Catalonia, which has had the support of ICAEN (as institutional mentoring) and Minsait (as civil society) and in which Rolando Biere Arenas, a CPSV researcher, has also participated.



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