
Granting of aid for the preparation of a Guide for the climatic rehabilitation of the neighbourhoods of Barcelona

Jan 08, 2021

The Barcelona City Council, through the Urban Ecology Management, has granted financing for the project “Guide for the climatic rehabilitation of neighbourhoods. Poble Nou case study."

This resolution, within the framework of the Call for aid for the development of projects within the framework of the city's climate emergency, 2020, was published in the Official Gazette of the Province of Barcelona (BOPV), on December 15, 2020.


In the development of this project, in addition to the CPSV, the Federation of Associations of Neighbours of Barcelona and the Association of Neighbours of Poble Nou, also participate.


This new project will be carried out with the intention of improving environmental sustainability and thus solving the climate emergency in the coming years by carrying out the following actions:

- Promote non-polluting mobility.

- Reduce the noise impact of cars and motorcycles.

- Energy rehabilitation of buildings.

- Promotion of green energy systems.


Its Main Researcher is Dr. Josep Roca Cladera, architect, Professor of the Department of Architectural Technology (TA) and director of the CPSV. Also participating in the team the architects, researchers from the CPSV; Blanca Arellano Ramos and Rolando Biere Arenas.
