
CPSV Investigation of Heat Waves and Extreme Events Hits the Media

Apr 26, 2023

Summer days have gone from 90 to 145, in the last 50 years, in the main Spanish cities.

Professor Josep Roca Cladera, founder of the CPSV, and professor Blanca Arellano Ramos, a researcher in our group, have presented the results derived from the X-ClimPlan project in various press outlets at a local, regional and national level. Extreme urban and spatial planning tool for heat wave and flash flood events. Building resilience for cities and regions, funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the State Research Agency. Call 2019, R+D+I Projects | Ref. PID2019-105976RB-I00 (MINCIU).

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Among other issues, the study concludes that in the main cities of mainland Spain the average increase in temperatures has been 3.54°C, between 1971 and 2022, and they are among those that register the most pronounced climatic anomalies in the world. In the last 50 years, summer days have gone from 90 to 145, which represents another two months of warm days. And tropical nights increased by 18 and went from an average of 45 to 63.


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