
ACE Journal, issue 51, publication

Mar 02, 2023

On February 28th, issue 51 of the ACE: Architecture, City and Environment journal, was published.

The journal, edited by CPSV, indexed on SCOPUS-SJR, located at Q1 of “Architecture”, and “Urban Studies” areas, & at at Q2 from WoS JCR-JCI, in the same areas.


With this issue, our journal completes seventeen years of uninterrupted publications, every four months. This time, eleven papers have been published on topics as diverse as resilience in Spain, creative activities, mobility and employment, heritage landscape, urban co-creation, oceanic swimming pools, post-occupational assessment in housing, Cultural Landscapes, types of social housing, spaces open schools and Barragan in Morocco.


"Architecture, City and Environment" is the name that seeks to reflect the open spirit of this journal dedicated to the study, from the broadest perspective of human habitat, both in its macro and micro levels, as well in its technological and social sense. ACE is a window for the diffusion of the different disciplines that carry out the architectural, urbanistic and territorial investigations. It is open to new study approaches and designed to disseminate the results in the languages that are familiar to us and that, without forgetting English, we must strengthen.

