
ACE: Architecture, City and Environment is ranked 73 out of 1,199 journals in the Ibero-American Ranking of Journals: REDIB 2020

Jul 27, 2021

Thus, ACE journal, published by the CPSV, is located in the first decile of this ranking prepared by REDIB, with data from Clarivate Analytics (WoS).

For the preparation of this ranking (in its fourth edition), published in July, more than 1,200 journals have been analyzed, included both in the REDIB index and in the WoS Core Collection indexes, providing, among other issues, information on the impact that, each one and its articles, have had in all the reviews indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS).


ACE, published by the CPSV, is in the first general quartile, occupying position 73 out of 1,199 journals and in position 48 out of 995 journals in the thematic area of Social Sciences (Q1), occupying number 1 out of 20 journals on Architecture (Q1).



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