
Report in Betevé. CPSV experts are calling for cold islands to fight rising temperatures

Sep 30, 2021

This report will be broadcast on September 30, 2021 at 10 pm with the participation of CPSV researchers Blanca Arellano and Josep Roca.

According to previously published information, the researchers of the CPSV de la Blanca Arellano Ramos and Josep Roca Cladera, (IP) of the research projects in which this issue has been addressed, warn that more green areas must be planned in the Metropolitan Area to cope with the rise in temperatures caused by the effect of urban heat islands.



The need to develop more cold islands is highlighted: parks, trees and green areas.




Guide for the climatic rehabilitation of neighbourhoods. Poble Nou case study. 2021-2022.

X-ClimPlan. Extreme Spatial and Urban Planning Tool for Episodes of Heat Waves and Flash Floods. Building resilience for cities and regions. Ref. PID2019-105976RB-I00 (MINCIU). 2020-2022.

Urban-CLIMPLAN. The Urban Heat Island: effects on climate change and modelling for urban and territorial planning strategies. Application to the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona. Ref. BIA2015-68623-R (MINECO / FEDER). 2016-2019.

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