
Presentation 2019-2020 of the Research Plans of the Urban and Architectural Management and Valuation Doctorate

Jul 21, 2020

On July 22, 2020 at 10:00 am, the 2019-2020 Presentation of the Research Plans of the Urban and Architectural Management and Valuation Doctorate will take place.

This will be carried out in accordance with the extraordinary measures dictated by the Vice-rector for Academic Policy of our University in the face of the exceptional situation derived from the declaration of the state of alarm by Covidien-19 and with the authorization of the coordinator of the Urban Management and Assessment program. and Architectural.


Four Research Plans will be presented and the courts are:

Court A

- President: Dr. Carlos Marmolejo Duarte

- Secretary: Dr. Jordi Franquesa Sánchez

- Member: Dr. Mario Cerasoli

Court B

- President: Dr. Josep Roca Cladera

- Secretary: Dr. Jordi Franquesa Sánchez

- Member: Dr. Mario Cerasoli


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