Life Long Learning course: Urban Climate and Climate Change

Jan 10, 2024

Registration for the new edition; March-April 2024, is now open.

This course, developed by the CPSV, was born from the European project "Competences for Sustainable City Development: Qualification Scheme for Climate Adaptation in Construction Architecture and Planning (CLIM-CAP)", as well as from the "Urban-CLIMPLAN. The Urban Heat Island: Effects on Climate Change and Modeling for Territorial and Urban Planning Strategies” and “XClimPlan: Extreme spatial and urban planning tool for episodes of heat waves and flash floods.” In addition, it is accredited by the European Union, with the ISO EN 17024 Standard.


Directors: Blanca Arellano Ramos and Josep Roca Cladera




offer professionals who carry out their professional practice in the field of architecture and urban planning the necessary basic scientific knowledge and skills for the sustainable development of the city in the field of adaptation of the zones urban areas in climate change and extreme phenomena.


How does climate change affect the city?

The urban heat island.

Heat Waves and their effects on Health.

Torrential rains.

Climate change adaptation measures related to heat stress, water cycle and ventilation

  • Nature Based Solutions (NBS)
  • Green and blue spaces.
  • WSUDS. Adaptation of the urban water cycle.
  • Green roofs.
  • green walls.
  • Urban ventilation.

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