
International Architecture Conference - The Urban Heat Island

Jun 23, 2020

Blanca Arellano Ramos, assistant professor, M.Sc., architect, researcher at CPSV, has held the International Architecture Conference - The Urban Heat Island.

On June 22, the International Architecture Conference - The Urban Heat Island was held. This has been organized by the Faculty of Architecture, Xochicalco University, Campus Mexicali, and has been in charge of assistant professor, M.Sc., architect, Blanca Arellano Ramos, a researcher at the CPSV. In this the main results of the research project The Urban Heat Island: effects on climate change and modeling for urban and territorial planning strategies. Application to the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, Ref.: BIA2015-68623-R (MINECO / FEDER), has been presented. It was executed between 2016 and March 2020, whose responsible Investigator has been Dr. Josep Roca Cladera, architect, director of the CPSV.
