
Informative session GVUA-MBArch (2021-2022) on April 30th

Apr 22, 2021

Next Friday, April 30, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. (Central European time-Madrid), there will be held an on-line session to present the Urban and Architectonic Management and Valuation, of the MBArch.

Next Friday, April 30, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. (Central European-Madrid time), there will be a presentation session of our Urban and Architectonic Management and Valuation line, of the MBArch, in the context of the open house virtual masters of the ETSAB.

REGISTRATION is required. The link will be sent, by email, the day before the session.

As soon as the conditions allow it, the ETSAB intends to recover the face-to-face teaching in the Master's programmes. In all cases, taking into consideration possible exceptional circumstances, we will try to facilitate online monitoring for the students, depending on the available resources of each speciality line.


Line’s presentation
