
Dissertation of thesis "The Caring city. Quality of urban life from a feminist approach", supervised by professors Pilar Garcia-Almirall, and Zaida Muxí Martínez

Jan 11, 2021

The next January 27, 2021, at 11:30 AM (CET) will be held the dissertation of the thesis entitled The Caring city. Quality of urban life from a feminist approach.

This thesis was developed by the Ph.D. student, sociologist, Blanca Alexandra Valdivia Gutiérrez, within the framework of the Doctoral Program in Urban and Architectural Management and Valuation, of the Department of Architectural Technology (TA), coordinated from the Centre for Land Policy and Valuations (CPSV), supervised by professors Pilar Garcia-Almirall, and Zaida Muxí Martínez.

The presentation will be made by video conference (, and the members of the jury will be:

- President: Dr. Carlos Marmolejo Duarte

- Secretary: Dr. Amaia Pérez Orozco

- Member: Dr. Lidewij Tummers


In addition, this thesis was developed as a continuity of the final master thesis entitled The differential use of public space according to gender: the reflection of social roles, carried out in the Master in Urban Management and Valuation (, also supervised by Dr. Pilar Garcia-Almirall.