Dissertation of thesis "Recovery of abandoned towns", co-supervised by Dr. Josep Roca Cladera

Nov 12, 2020

On October 27, 2020, was held the dissertation of the thesis entitled Recovery of abandoned villages. Analysis of 32 experiences of rehabilitation and revitalization of abandoned nuclei in Alto Aragón. 1987-2020.

This thesis was developed by the architect, Sixto Marín Gavín, within the framework of the Urban Landscapes, Urban Project and Heritage line, developed by the Urban Landscapes and Contemporary Project (PUPC) research group, in the Doctoral Program in New Territories in Architecture, from the Pre-Department Unit of Architecture, from the University of Zaragoza, and was co-supervised by professors Francisco Javier Monclús Fraga (Unizar) and Josep Roca Cladera, director of the CPSV-UPC.

The presentation was made by video conference and the members of the court were:

- President: Dr. Estanislao Roca I Blanch

- Secretary: Dr. Pablo de la Cal

- Member: Dr. Juan Luis de las Rivas


This thesis was developed as a continuity of the final master thesis entitled The landscape of memory: grouping, analysis and assessment of the set of uninhabited towns in Altoaragón: supramunicipal planning as a key to regulating its recovery (https://upcommons.upc.edu/handle/2099.1/19973), carried out in the Master in Urban Management and Valuation (https://cpsv.upc.edu/en/theses-dissertations/mgvu-thesis), also supervised by Dr. Josep Roca.