
Dissertation of thesis "Influence of metropolitan sub-centers on the structure of real estate values and new methods of identifying centralities", supervised by Dr. Carlos Marmolejo Duarte

Jan 09, 2021

The next January 19, 2021, at 5:30 PM (CET) will be held the dissertation of the thesis entitled Influence of metropolitan sub-centers on the structure of real estate values and new methods of identifying centralities.

This thesis was developed by the Ph.D. student, civil builder, Carlos Andrés Aguirre Núñez, within the framework of the Doctoral Program in Urban and Architectural Management and Valuation, of the Department of Architectural Technology (TA), coordinated by the Centre for Land Policy and Valuations (CPSV), supervised by Dr. Carlos Marmolejo Duarte.

The presentation will be made by video conference ( and the members of the jury will be:

- President: Dr. Josep Roca Cladera

- Secretary: Dr. Pablo Martí Ciriquián

- Member: Dr. Adriana Olivares González


In addition, this thesis was developed as a continuity of the final master thesis entitled Influence of employment sub-centers on urban values: an analysis of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona (, carried out in the Master in Urban Management and Valuation (, also supervised by Dr. Carlos Marmolejo.