CPSV’s participation at PLEA 2020

Sep 04, 2020

CPSV, through its researchers Blanca Arellano Ramos, Rolando Biere Arenas, Alan García Haro and Josep Roca Cladera, has participated at the PLEA 2020.

The 35th edition of the PLEA CONFERENCE, SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN. Planning Post Carbon Cities, organized by the “European Regional Science Association” was held between September 1 and 3, 2020. Its initial celebration place was A Coruña, however, due to the limitations derived from the Covid-19 pandemic, it was carried out in a non-presential way and more than 400 researchers participated in it. Among them, the CPSV researchers, with the following presentations:

Cooling Effect of Urban Parks in Metropolitan Region of Barcelona

Blanca Arellano, Josep Roca & Alan García

Can Planning Mitigate UHI?

Rolando Biere, Blanca Arellano & Josep Roca