CPSV researchers participate in EGU 2022

May 21, 2022

This week the annual Conference of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) 2022 is held, to which three papers by CPSV researchers have been sent.

This is a good opportunity to learn about the latest research on Climate Change. And on this occasion, at the annual Conference of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) 2022, the following submitted papers by CPSV will be presented:



"Day and night heat waves in the city of Barcelona. 1971-2020"

Josep Roca Cladera & Blanca Arellano Ramos.

Sessió 15:10-18:30 horas (CEST)

Presentation programmed: 1418:17-18:22 hours.



"The extraction of urbanized areas based on the high-resolution night lights images: A case study in Barcelona, Spain."

Zheng Qianhui & Josep Roca Cladera.

Sessió 08:00-10:00 horas (CEST)

Presentation programmed: 1408:48-08:54 hours.



"Research on Extreme Weather Events in Spain - Analysis of high temperature heat wave and extreme precipitation in the Mediterranean Coast of Spain and Barcelona."

Xu Zang, Josep Roca Cladera & Blanca Arellano Ramos.

Sessió 08:30-11:50 - 13:20-16:40 horas (CEST)

Presentation programmed: 14:14-14:20 hours.



We invite you to attend!!

You must register for virtual participation.

Conference link: https://www.egu22.eu/