
CPSV researchers participate in EGU 2021

Apr 26, 2021

This week the annual Conference of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) 2021 is held, to which four papers by CPSV researchers have been sent.

On this occasion, at the annual Congress of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) 2021, the following submitted papers by CPSV will be presented:



- Towards a new methodology to determine nighttime Urban Heat Island. Blanca Arellano Ramos & Josep Roca Cladera. (Session 09:00-15:00 horas). Expected presentation time: 09:27-09:29.

- Comparative analysis of three NDVI resolutions in different urban typologies. The case of Granollers in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. Alan García Haro & Josep Roca Cladera. (Session 09:00-15:00 horas). Expected presentation time: 09:31-09:33.


- Reduction in water consumption and environmental improvements in Barcelona through WSUDs (Water Sensitive Urban Design Systems). Josep Roca Cladera, Maria Dolors Martínez Santafé & Mar Pérez Cambra. (Session 09:00-10:30 horas). Expected presentation time: 09:29-09:31.



- Climate Zones Classification for Buildings Energy Efficiency Assessment. Qianhui Zheng, Blanca Arellano Ramos & Josep Roca Cladera. (Session 09:00-09:45 horas). Expected presentation time: 09:10-09:12.


Conference link: