
Climate emergency, international cooperation and COVID-19: we converge to move forward

Jun 08, 2020

On June 4, 2020, CPSV researchers participated in the online session on Climate Emergency, International cooperation and Covidien-19: we come together to advance

The Catalan Fund for Development Cooperation (FCCD), the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD), the Barcelona Provincial Council, the Barcelona City Council and the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB), promoted a space of confluence between administrations public and civil society actors on climate emergency and development cooperation. The meeting took place on June 4 online, and more than 130 participants from administrations, cooperation or environmental entities, universities and research centres participated. Among these, CPSV researchers. 

The meeting, presented and promoted by Carmen Gual, director of the ACCD, began with a first block of institutional presentations where a representative of each organizing body was able to introduce the theme and explain the work carried out by their organization in the area of cooperation and the environment. In this first part, David Minoves, director of the FCCD, Manel Vila, general director of Development Cooperation of the Generalitat of Catalonia, David Listar, director of Global Justice of the Barcelona City Council, Ernest Maragall, vice president of International and cooperation of the AMB took part, and Antoni Montseny, director of International Relations of the Barcelona Provincial Council.

With this meeting, the first stone was laid to generate a real space of confluence between different sectors, necessary to act jointly and coordinated by climate and social justice on an international scale.