
ACE Journal, issue 50, publication

Nov 10, 2022

Issue 50 of the ACE: Architecture, City and Environment journal, was published. It is edited by the CPSV, and is indexed on SCOPUS-SJR, Q1 on “Architecture” & at WoS JCR-JCI, Q2 on “Architecture” and “Urban Studies”.

"Architecture, City and Environment" is the name that seeks to reflect the open spirit of this journal dedicated to the study, from the broadest perspective of human habitat, both in its macro and micro levels, as well in its technological and social sense. ACE is a window for the diffusion of the different disciplines that carry out architectural, urbanistic, and territorial investigations.



This issue marks 50 issues of uninterrupted publication of the journal.

On this occasion fifteen papers are published, four of them in the Articles Section, ten in a Special Section, and one in the Notes section. The works of the Special Section were carried out within the framework of the projects “Innovation System for the Heritage of Rural Andalusia (SIN_PAR)” and “Tourism Innovation System for the Heritage of Rural Andalusia (SIT_PAR)”, both co-financed by the EFDR operational program and the Government of Andalusia.

